Our paper “Towards Modular Reasoning for Context-Oriented Programs” (authored by Aotani and Leavens) was accepted for publication at the International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP), co-located with ECOOP 2016.
Our paper “Classes as Layers: Refactoring Design Patterns with COP” (authored by Springer, Masuhara and Hirschfeld) was accepted for publication at the International Workshop on Context-oriented Programming (COP 2016), co-located with ECOOP 2016.
Professor David Liu at SUNY Binghamtom visits our group from May 12 until July 8 for collaborative research. We are pleased to work with him on a joint project involving with programming languages for energy aware software and context-oriented programming.
Title: Proactive and Adaptive Energy-Aware Programming with Hybrid Typing
Speaker: Anthony Canino (State University of New York, Binghamton, USA)
Date/time: 2 pm, Monday June 27, 2016
Location: W911, Building West #8, Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Tech
Our paper “Object Support in an Array-based GPGPU Extension for Ruby” (authored by Springer and Masuhara) was accepted for publication at the ARRAY ACM SIGPLAN 3rd International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Programming (ARRAY 2016), co-located with PLDI 2016.
Our paper “Improving Sequential Performance of Erlang Based on a Meta-tracing Just-In-Time Compiler” (authored by Huang, Masuhara and Aotani) was accepted for representation at the Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP 2016).
Update: the presented paper is accepted by the post-proceedings of the symposium.
There are orientations of the Department of Mathematical and Computing Science for prospective graduate students on Saturday May 7, 2016 from 14:00, Friday May 13, 2016 from 13:30, and Saturday May 14, from 11:00. Please contact Hidehiko Masuhara if you are interested in.
A paper entitled “Declaring constraints on object-oriented collections” authored by Felgentreff, Hirschfeld, Graber, Borning, Masuhara, is accepted by IPSJ Transaction on Programming / Journal of Information Processing.
Oka Akiou, Kani Akira and Natsume Atsuyuki have joined our laboratory!!!
Oka : I would like to write a lot of programs.
Members as of April 2016
Admissions information events hosted by the School of Computing are held on January 30, February 20, and March 26.
details (in Japanese)