Paper presentations at MODULARITY 2016 and co-located workshops
There are following paper presentations at the international conference on MODULARITY 2016 and its co-located workshops.
- “Matriona: Class Nesting with Parameterization in Squeak/Smalltalk”, the Modularity Visions Track (authored by Springer, Niephaus, Hirschfeld, Masuhara)
- “An Advice Mechanism for Non-local Flow Control”, Workshop on Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL’16), (authored by Masuhara, Fujita, Aotani)
- “Hierarchical Layer-Based Class Extensions in Squeak/Smalltalk”, Workshop on Live Adaptation of Software SYstems (LASSY), (authored by Springer, Masuhara, Hirschfeld)
- “Towards Improving Interface Modularity in Legacy Java Software through Automated Refactoring”, Workshop on Language Modularity À La Mode (LaMOD’16), (authored by Khatchadourian, Moore, Masuhara)
- “Toward Fluent Module Interactions”, MASS 2016 – Workshop on Modularity Across the System Stack, (authored by Kamina, Aotani, Masuhara)
- “Lightweight Optimization Technique for Data Types à la Carte”, the Language Modularity à La Mode (LaMOD’16), (authored by Kiriyama, Aotani, Masuhara)

“Matriona: Class Nesting with Parameterization in Squeak/Smalltalk”, the Modularity Visions Track (authored by Springer, Niephaus, Hirschfeld, Masuhara)

“Lightweight Optimization Technique for Data Types à la Carte”, the Language Modularity à La Mode (LaMOD’16), (authored by Kiriyama, Aotani, Masuhara)

“Towards Improving Interface Modularity in Legacy Java Software through Automated Refactoring”, Workshop on Language Modularity À La Mode (LaMOD’16), (authored by Khatchadourian, Moore, Masuhara)