Cong Received Best Poster Award from PPL 2022
Youyou Cong received the best poster award for her presentation “Toward Type-basde Generation of Music” at PPL 2022. She won the awards two years in a row!
Youyou Cong received the best poster award for her presentation “Toward Type-basde Generation of Music” at PPL 2022. She won the awards two years in a row!
At the 24th JSSST SIG Programming and Programming Languages Workshop (PPL2022), the following paper was accepted by and presented.
The following paper was also presented.
The following posters and demos were also presented.
Our members present their bachelor’s theses.
Our members present their master’s theses.
Our paper entitled “An approach to collect object graphs for data-structure live programming based on a language implementation framework”, authored by Shusuke Takahashi, Yusuke Izawa, Hidehiko Masuhara and Youyou Cong, was accepted by the IPSJ Transaction on Programming. The paper is also included in the IPSJ Journal of Information Processing (JIP).
The paper was presented at the 136th Workshop of IPSJ SIG Programming on November 1st, 2021.
The following work will be presented at MUS 133.
The following presentation will be held at the first International Workshop on the Implementation of Type Systems (WITS’22), colocated with POPL22.
The following short paper will be presented at the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM).
Our paper, entitled “Threaded Code Generation with a Meta-tracing JIT Compiler,” is accepted by the Journal of Object Technology (JOT) Special Issue for ICOOOLPS 2021 (JOT ICOOOLPS 21). The work was presented at the ICOOOLPS 2021 workshop in July.
Saito gave a presentation on a monadic equational reasoning at The 17th Theorem Proving and Provers meeting (TPP 2021).