Imai, Masuhara, Aotani will have a presentation at IPSJ PRO 2016-3.
The title is “Design and Implementation of Unit Testing Features for Live Programming Environments.”
You can download the paper from here (in Japanese).
Our paper “A Layer-based Approach to Hierarchical Dynamically-scoped Open Classes” (authored by Springer, Masuhara and Hirschfeld) was accepted for publication in the IPSJ Transactions on Programming (Journal of Information Processing).
The paper was a revised version of the one presented at IPSJ PRO/SWoPP’16 in August.
Izumi Asakura is awarded IPSJ Computer Science Research Award for Young Scientists for his paper presentation on “Proof of soundness of concurrent separation logic for GPGPU in Coq.”
Ruochen Huang receives his Master’s degree, as the representative of the School of Information Sciences and Technology.
Ruochen Huang, “Pyrlang: A High Performance Erlang Virtual Machine Based on RPython“, Master Thesis, August 2016
Peter Wauligmann joins the group as an exchange student from TU Munich. He will work on the Ikra project until February 2017.
A paper entitled “Unravel programming sessions with THRESHER: Identifying coherent and complete sets of fine-granular source code changes” authored by Taeumel, Platz, Steinert, Hirschfeld, and Masuhara, is accepted Computer Software (a journal of JSSST).
We presented our manuscript “A Layer-based Approach to Hierarchical Dynamically-scoped Open Classes” (authored by Springer, Masuhara, and Hirschfeld) at 110th IPSJ Workshop on Programming (IPSJ-PRO), one of the “Matsumoto” Summer United Workshops on Parallel/Distributed/Cooperative Processing (SWoPP 2016).
Update: the revised paper is accepted by IPSJ Transactions on Programming (Journal of Information Processing).
The second meeting of SIGPX (Special Interest Group on Programming Experience) is held at Microsoft Japan HQ. Imai and Oka give their lighting talks. Jointly with Jun Kato at AIST, Masuhara serves as an organizer.
Our member defended their Master’s theses.
- Ruochen Huang,Pyrlang: A High Performance Erlang Virtual Machine Based on RPython (PDF)
Our paper “Towards Modular Reasoning for Context-Oriented Programs” (authored by Aotani and Leavens) was accepted for publication at the International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP), co-located with ECOOP 2016.
Our paper “Classes as Layers: Refactoring Design Patterns with COP” (authored by Springer, Masuhara and Hirschfeld) was accepted for publication at the International Workshop on Context-oriented Programming (COP 2016), co-located with ECOOP 2016.