Paper/Poster Presentations at PPL 2016

Our group will present the following paper and posters at the 18th Workshop of Programming and Programming Languages (第18回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ).

  • GPGPU向けデータ並列コードテンプレートの形式検証 (authored by Asakura, Masuhara, Aotani)
  • Featherweight JavaのMeta-Theory a la Carteを利用した拡張可能な形式化フレームワーク (Poster, authored by Okugawa, Masuhara, Aotani)
  • Ikra: Leveraging Object-oriented Abstractions in a Ruby-to-CUDA JIT Translator (Poster, authored by Springer, Masuhara)
  • RPythonを用いたErlang仮想機械PyrlangにおけるJITコンパイル方針の改良 (Poster, authored by Huang, Masuhara, Aotani)
  • 多次元的文脈指向言語Korzのメソッドディスパッチの改善 (Poster, authored by Watanabe, Masuhara, Aotani)

Asakura presented master’s thesis, and Okugawa, Taya, and Watanabe presented bachelor’s thesis

Asakura presented his master’s thesis at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

The title:

  • Formal Verification of Data Parallel DSLs for GPGPU based on Concurrent Separation Logic (PDF)

Okugawa, Taya and Watanabe presented their bachelor’s theses at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Theses titles:

  • An Extension of Meta-Theory a la Carte for Object Oriented Programming Languages (Ryo Okugawa)
  • A Method of Data Representation and Parallelization for Multiple GPUs on Array Oriented DSL (Atsushi Taya)
  • Improvement of Power of Expression of a Multi-dimensional Context Oriented Programming Language Korz (Keita Watanabe)