A paper “Development of Poor Man’s 3D-AR Platform for Amateur Game Creators” authored by a group including Kiriyama has won the IDW ’15 Challenging-spirit Demonstration Award.
Title: The Future of Software Engineering
Speaker: Grady Booch
Date/Time: Tuesday, November 24, 2015, 15:00-16:30
E1001 Meeting Room, 10F, West Building 8-E,
Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス 西8号館 E棟 10階大会議室
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A discussion on “20 Years of Ruby, The Future of Ruby”, with Yukihiro Matsumoto, Kazuhiko Kato, Shigeru Chiba, and Hidehiko Masuhara, is published in IPSJ Magazine.
A paper on the detection of broken pointcuts using structural commonality and degree-of-interest, authored by Khatchadourian, Rashid, Masuhara and Watanabe is accepted by International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2015).
An article titled “Generalized Layer Activation Mechanism for Context-Oriented Programming”, authored by Kamina, Aotani, and Masuhara, is accepted for the special issue on best papers from Modularity’15 for the Transactions on Modularity and Composition (TOMC). It is an extended version of our paper presented at Modularity’15.
Update: the paper is published. (2016-09-30)
We present the following posters and demos at at Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH 15).
- [demo] Making Live Programming Practical by Bridging the Gap Between Trial-and-error Development and Unit Testing (Imai, Masuhara and Aotani)
- [demo] Fraglight: Shedding Light on Broken Pointcuts in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software (Khatchadourian, Rashid, Masuhara, and Watanabe)
- [poster] Pyrlang: A High Performance Erlang Virtual Machine Based on RPython (Huang, Masuhara and Aotani)
- [poster] Shiranui: A Live Programming with Support for Unit Testing (Imai, Masuhara and Aotani)
Matthias Springer has joined the group as a Doctoral course student under the International Graduate Program (IGP(A)).
Professor Robert Hirschfeld from Hasso-Plattner Institut has visited our group from September 14 to 18. He gave lectures on Context-Oriented Programming and Design Thinking Research.
A paper titled “Unravel programming sessions with THRESHER: Identifying coherent and complete sets of fine-granular source code changes”, authored by Stephanie Platz, Marcel Taeumel, Bastian Steinert, Robert Hirschfeld, and Hidehiko Masuhara, is presnted at the 32nd JSSST Annual Conference.
A paper “EventCJ: a context-oriented language with declarative per-object layer transitions”authored by Aotani, Kamina and Masuhara receives the Best Paper Award of 2013 from JSSST.