A paper entitled “Generalized Layer Activation Mechanism Through Contexts and Subscribers”, authored by Tetsuo Kamina, Tomoyuki Aotani and Hidehiko Masuhara, is presented at 14th International Conference on Modularity (MODULARITY’15). [PDF]
Following posters are presented at PPL2015.
Imai, Kiriyama and Fujita presented their bachelor’s theses at the Tokyo Institute of Technology
Theses titles:
- Shiranui: Live Programming Environment Integrating Test (Tomoki Imai)
- Compile-time Datatype Composition for Efficiency and Modularity (Hirotada Kiriyama)
- Chop&Graft: an Aspect Oriented Mechanism to Cut and Paste Global Control Flows(Kenta Fujita)
Poster presentation on A Dynamically-typed Language for Prototyping High-Performance Data Parallel Programs is given by Hidehiko Masuhara and Tomoyuki Aotani at JST/CREST International Symposium on Post Petascale System Software at Kobe.
A paper entitled “Crossver: a Code Transformation Language for Crosscutting Changes” authored by Sakurai and Masuhara is presented at AOAsia/Pacific Workshop co-located with FSE’14.
Our paper “Improving the quality of AspectJ application: translating name-based pointcuts to analysis-based pointcuts” authored by Wang Lin, Tomoyuki Aotani and Masato Suzuki will be presented at QSIC 2014.
Ruochen Huang, a Master course student studying under the International Graduate Program (A), joins our group.
A Festschrift “Concurrent Objects and Beyond”, dedicated to Professor Akinori Yonezawa, is published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8665 from Springer. Masuhara was one of the editors of the volume.
The following papers/posters are presented at JSSST Annual Conference.
Professor Robert Hirschfeld from Hasso-Plattner Institut has visited our group from September 6th to 19th. He gave lectures on Context-Oriented Programming and Design Thinking Research.