Okumura, Asakura and Moriya presented bachelor’s thesis

Okumura, Asakura, and Moriya presented their bachelor’s theses at the Tokyo Institute of Technology

Theses titles:

  • Load Balancing in Merge Sort on GPGPU(Toshifumi Okumura)
  • A Domain Specific Language for Type Safe Shell Programming (Izumi Asakura)
  • A Context Oriented Programming Approach to Implement Power Saving Techniques Modularly in Mobile Phone Applications (Ryogo Moriya)

Nishiguchi, Murakami and Shao presented Master’s Theses

Nishiguchi, Murakami, and Shao presented their Master’s Theses at the University of Tokyo.

Theses titles:

  • Type inference in a Ruby-based scripting language for GPGPU (Yusuke Nishiguchi)
  • A Source Code Recommendation System Based on Degree of Interest (Naoya Murakami)
  • A Study of An Aspect-Oriented Algorithm Animation Framework (Bingfeng Shao)