Masuhara Received the JSSST Distinguished Service Award
Masuhara received the Distinguished Service Award from Japan Society of Software Science and Technology.
Masuhara received the Distinguished Service Award from Japan Society of Software Science and Technology.
Tanabe will give an invited talk on PLDI’24 paper at The 41st JSSST Annual Conference.
Date: September 11 Wed. 11:45~12:15 JST
Venue: Ritsumeikan University Osaka Ibaraki Campus (OIC) H321
Title: Space-Efficient Polymorphic Gradual Typing, Mostly Parametric (Paper)
The following presentations were accepted to the 36th Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL 2024).
Matteo Basso, a PhD student from USI, visited our group and gave a seminar talk, entitled “Improving Native-Image Startup Performance”. It was a preview talk of his paper accepted at CGO 2025, and was a great opportunity for us to learn the performance bottlenecks and improvement opportunities in today’s VMs.
Yudai Tanabe gave a seminar talk at the Department of Mathematical and Computing Science.
Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2024, 15:30-16:30
Place: West 8 W1008
Speaker: Yudai Tanabe
Title: Navigating Safety Across Language Systems: Space-efficient Gradual Typing
At the end of his exchange international student period at Tokyo Tech, Sherif Omar presented his Master’s thesis for TU-Berlin at our seminar. We celebrated his hard work while he has been with us, and wished his successful defense at his home university.
We celebrated graduation of one of our members. Ryoichi Omae was awarded his master’s degree. We wish his bright future!
Jessica Belicia Cahyono was appointed as a Student Ambassador of the Institute. Among other 18 ambassadors of this year, she will share herexperiences and impressions of campus life, studies, and research with prospective international students. Read the ambassors’ blog for more information.
On July 2nd, Prof. Marjan Mernik from the University of Maribor visited our group and gave a talk titled “Incremental Development of Domain-Specific Languages”.
The following paper has been accepted to PLDI 2024. This work is conducted by Tanabe when he was a researcher at Kyoto University. This work will be presented at PLDI2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark.