Space-Efficient Polymorphic Gradual Typing, Mostly Parametric (bibtex)
by Atsushi Igarashi, Shota Ozaki, Taro Sekiyama and Yudai Tanabe
Since the arrival of gradual typing, which allows partially typed code in a single program, efficient implementations of gradual typing have been an active research topic. In this paper, we study the space-efficiency problem of gradual typing in the presence of parametric polymorphism. Based on the existing work that showed the impossibility of a space-efficient implementation that supports fully parametric polymorphism, this paper will show that a space-efficient implementation is, in principle, possible by slightly relaxing parametricity. We first develop $\lambda$C${}^{\forall}_{mp}$, which is a coercion calculus with mostly parametric polymorphism, and show its relaxed parametricity. Then, we present $\lambda$S${}^{\forall}_{mp}$, a space-efficient version of $\lambda$C${}^{\forall}_{mp}$, and prove that $\lambda$S${}^{\forall}_{mp}$ programs can be executed in a space-efficient manner and that translation from $\lambda$C${}^{\forall}_{mp}$ to $\lambda$S${}^{\forall}_{mp}$ is type- and semantics-preserving.
Space-Efficient Polymorphic Gradual Typing, Mostly Parametric (Atsushi Igarashi, Shota Ozaki, Taro Sekiyama and Yudai Tanabe), Category 2 Presentation at the 27th PPL2025, 2025.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Atsushi Igarashi and Shota Ozaki and Taro Sekiyama and Yudai Tanabe},
  title = {Space-Efficient Polymorphic Gradual Typing, Mostly Parametric},
  month = mar,
  date = {2025-03-05},
  url = {},
  year = 2025,
  howpublished = {Category 2 Presentation at the 27th PPL2025},
  abstract = {Since the arrival of gradual typing, which allows partially typed code in a single program, efficient implementations of gradual typing have been an active research topic. In this paper, we study the space-efficiency problem of gradual typing in the presence of parametric polymorphism. Based on the existing work that showed the impossibility of a space-efficient implementation that supports fully parametric polymorphism, this paper will show that a space-efficient implementation is, in principle, possible by slightly relaxing parametricity. We first develop {$\lambda$C${}^{\forall}_{mp}$}, which is a coercion calculus with mostly parametric polymorphism, and show its relaxed parametricity. Then, we present {$\lambda$S${}^{\forall}_{mp}$}, a space-efficient version of {$\lambda$C${}^{\forall}_{mp}$}, and prove that {$\lambda$S${}^{\forall}_{mp}$} programs can be executed in a space-efficient manner and that translation from {$\lambda$C${}^{\forall}_{mp}$} to {$\lambda$S${}^{\forall}_{mp}$} is type- and semantics-preserving.}
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