AspectKE*: Security Aspects with Program Analysis for Distributed Systems (bibtex)
by Fan Yang, Hidehiko Masuhara, Tomoyuki Aotani, Flemming Nielson and Hanne Riis Nielson
AspectKE*: Security Aspects with Program Analysis for Distributed Systems (Fan Yang, Hidehiko Masuhara, Tomoyuki Aotani, Flemming Nielson and Hanne Riis Nielson), Demonstration presentation at Aspect-Oriented Software Development, 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Fan Yang and Hidehiko Masuhara and Tomoyuki Aotani and Flemming Nielson and Hanne Riis Nielson},
  title = {{AspectKE*}: Security Aspects with Program Analysis for Distributed Systems},
  url = {},
  howpublished = {Demonstration presentation at Aspect-Oriented Software Development},
  month = mar # { 17--18},
  year = 2010
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