Supporting covariant return types and generics in type-relaxed weaving (bibtex)
by Tomoyuki Aotani, Manabu Toyama and Hidehiko Masuhara
This paper introduces our ongoing study on type safety of the type relaxed weaving mechanism in the presence of two Java 5 features, namely covariant return types and generics. We point out additional conditions that are necessary to ensure type safety, which can be checked by a slightly modified type checking rules for the type relaxed weaving.
Supporting covariant return types and generics in type-relaxed weaving (Tomoyuki Aotani, Manabu Toyama and Hidehiko Masuhara), In Proceedings of Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Langauges (FOAL2011) (Gary T. Leavens, Shmuel Katz, Hidehiko Masuhara, eds.), 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  editor = {Gary T. Leavens and Shmuel Katz and Hidehiko Masuhara},
  optnote = {ACM Digital library},
  day = 21,
  month = mar,
  year = 2011,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Langauges (FOAL2011)},
  author = {Tomoyuki Aotani and Manabu Toyama and Hidehiko Masuhara},
  title = {Supporting covariant return types and generics in
type-relaxed weaving},
  pages = {13--17},
  doi = {10.1145/1960510.1960516},
  url = {foal2011-trw.pdf},
  keywords = {AspectJ},
  abstract = {This paper introduces our ongoing study on type safety of the type relaxed weaving mechanism in the presence of two Java 5 features, namely covariant return types and generics. We point out additional conditions that are necessary to ensure type safety, which can be checked by a slightly modified type checking rules for the type relaxed weaving.}
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