Visibility of Context-Oriented Behavior and State in L (bibtex)
by Robert Hirschfeld, Hidehiko Masuhara, Atsushi Igarashi and Tim Felgentreff
One of the properties of context-oriented programming languages is the composition of partial module definitions. While in most such language extensions the state and behavior introduced by partial definitions are treated equally at the module level, we propose a refinement of that approach to allow for both public and restricted visibility of methods and local and shared visibility of fields in our experimental language L. Furthermore, we propose a new lookup mechanism to reduce the risk of name captures.
Visibility of Context-Oriented Behavior and State in L (Robert Hirschfeld, Hidehiko Masuhara, Atsushi Igarashi and Tim Felgentreff), In Computer Software, volume 32, 2015. (revised from [hirschfeld2014jssst], accepted 2015-04-15)
Bibtex Entry:
  pdf = {hirschfeld2015compsoft.pdf},
  author = {Robert Hirschfeld and Hidehiko Masuhara and Atsushi Igarashi and Tim Felgentreff},
  title = {Visibility of Context-Oriented Behavior and State in {L}},
  doi = {10.11309/jssst.32.3_149},
  journal = {Computer Software},
  year = 2015,
  volume = 32,
  number = 3,
  pages = {149--158},
  month = aug,
  note = {revised from \cite{hirschfeld2014jssst}, accepted 2015-04-15},
  annote = {submitted September 2014},
  abstract = {One of the properties of context-oriented programming languages is the composition of partial module definitions. While in most such language extensions the state and behavior introduced by partial definitions are treated equally at the module level, we propose a refinement of that approach to allow for both public and restricted visibility of methods and local and shared visibility of fields in our experimental language L. Furthermore, we propose a new lookup mechanism to reduce the risk of name captures.}
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