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Past Professional Activities
- The 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2023), a program committee (December 2023)
- SPLASH Conference, a steering committee member (October 2019-October 2023)
- The OOPSLA 2023 issue of the Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL), review committee (October 2023)
- Onward! 2023 Essays, a program committee (October 2023)
- 2023 Workshop on Virtual Machines and Language Implementations (VMIL 2023), a program committee (October 2023)
- The LIVE Programming Workshop (LIVE 2023), a program committee member (October 2023)
- The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2023),a program committee (October 2023)
- The 39th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2023), an industry track program committee member (October 2023)
- Journal of Information Science and Engineering, a guest editor for the Special Issue on Cross-domain Software Development and Application Technologies (September 2023)
- International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity (COP 2023), an organizer (July 2023)
- The 35th New Technology and Product Award for Small and Medium Enterprises, a selection committee member(April 2022-April 2023)
- The International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2023), a program committee (March 2023)
- 9th Edition of the Programming Experience Workshop (PX/23), an organizer, (March 2023)
- John C. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award, a committee member (January 2023)
- The 29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2022), a program committee (December 2022)
- The LIVE Programming Workshop (LIVE 2022), a program committee member (December 2022)
- The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2022),a program committee (September 2022)
- The 13th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware 2022), a program committee member (June 2022)
- Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, President (June 2019-June 2022)
- International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity (COP 2022), an organizer (June 2022)
- The Second International Conference on Code Quality (ICCQ 2022), a program committee (April 2022)
- The International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2022), a program committee (March/April 2022)
- 8th Edition of the Programming Experience Workshop (PX/22), an organizer, (March 2022)
- 24th Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL 2022), a program committee member (March 2022)
- John C. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award, a committee member (January 2022)
- The 28th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2021), a program committee (December 2021)
- The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2021),a program committee (October 2021)
- The 30th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2021), a program committee (September 2021)
- The 38th JSSST Annual Conference, general chair (September 2021)
- The ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM 2021), a program committee (June 2021)
- International Workshop on Libraries, Languages, and Compilers for Array Programming (ARRAY 2021), a program committee member (June 2021)
- International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity (COP 2021), an organizer (June 2021)
- The International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2021), student research competition chair (March 2021)
- 7th Edition of the Programming Experience Workshop (PX/21), an organizer, (March 2021)
- Onward! 2020 Essays, a program committee (November 2020)
- 17th International Conference on Managed Programming Languages & Runtimes (MPLR’20), a program committee member (November 2020)
- 12th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware 2020), a program committee (November 2020)
- The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2020),a program committee (August 2020)
- The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2020), a program committee (July 2020)
- 12th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity (COP 2020), an organizer (July 2020)
- 7th International Workshop on Libraries, Languages, and Compilers for Array Programming (ARRAY 2020), a program committee member (June 2020) (canceled)
- The International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2020), a program committee, a poster chair, and a judge for the Student Research Competition (March 2020)
- 6th Edition of the Programming Experience Workshop (PX/20), an organizer, (March 2020)
- The Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, Ecosystems, and VMs (MoreVMs 2020), a program committee (March 2020)
- The Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM 2020), a program committee (January 2020)
- 11th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware 2019), a program committee (October 2019)
- Onward! 2019 Papers, program chair (October 2019)
- 16th International Conference on Managed Programming Languages & Runtimes (MPLR’19, formerly ManLang), a program committee member
- The LIVE Programming Workshop (LIVE 2019), a program committee member (October 2019)
- 6th Workshop on Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems (REBLS 2019), program committee co-chair (October 2019)
- 11th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity (COP 2019), an organizer & program committee member (July 2019)
- Workshop on Programming Across the System Stack (PASS 2019), colocated with <Programming>’19 (April 2019) and ECOOP’19 (July 2019) (cancelled), an organizer
- Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, Vice President (June 2018-June 2019)(June 2018-June 2019)
- 6th International Workshop on Libraries, Languages, and Compilers for Array Programming (ARRAY 2019), a program committee member (June 2019)
- 5th Edition of the Programming Experience Workshop (PX/19), an organizer, (April 2019)
- 14th Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS 2018), a program committee member (November 2018)
- The LIVE Programming Workshop (LIVE 2018), a program committee member (November 2018)
- Workshop on Meta-Programming Techniques and Reflection (META’18), a program committee member (November 2018)
- 5th Workshop on Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems (REBLS 2018), a program committee member (November 2018)
- 10th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming (COP 2018), an organizer & program committee member (July 2018)
- 2nd International Workshop on API Usage and Evolution (WAPI 2018), a program committee member (June 2018)
- 17th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2018), a program committee member (May 2018)
- The International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2018), a program committee (April 2018)
- 4th Edition of the Programming Experience Workshop (PX/18), an organizer, (April 2018)
- Workshop on Programming Across the System Stack (PASS 2018), an organizing member, (April 2018)
- JSSSTComputer Software, an editorial committee member (Apr 2008-March 2018)
- IPSJ Transactions on Programming, an editorial committee member (April 2010-March 2012, April 2014-March 2018), editor-in-chief (April 2012-March 2014)
- IPSJ SIG-PRO, secretary (April 2008-Mar 2012, April 2014-March 2018), chair (April 2012-March 2014)
- 20th Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL 2018), a program committee member (March 2018)
- Programming Experience 2017.2 Workshop (PX/17.2), an organizer & program committee member (October 2017)
- 4th Workshop on Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems (REBLS 2017), a program committee member (October 2017)
- The Workshop on E-Commerce and Entertainment Computing (ECEC), a program committee member (September 2017)
- 12th Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems (ICOOOLPS 2017), a program committee member (June 19, 2017)
- 4th International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming (ARRAY’17), a program committee member (June 18, 2017)
- 9th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming (COP 2017), an organizer & program committee member (June 2017)
- JSSST Trustee (June 2013-June 2017)
- International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2017), a program committee member (May 2017)
- The International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2017), a program committee (April 2017)
- Programming Experience 2017 Workshop (PX/17), an organizer & program committee member (April 2017)
- Workshop on Live Adaptation of Software Systems (LASSY 2017), a program committee member (April 2017)
- International Workshop on Programming Across the System Stack (PASS 2017), an organizer & program committee member (April 2017)
- ACM SAC track on Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems (SAC OOPS! 2017), a program committee (March 2017)
- 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2016), a program committee member (December 2016)
- 14th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2016), a program committee member (November 2016)
- Onward!, a program committee for Onward! papers (October/November 2016)
- 1st Edition of the Programming Experience Workshop (PX 2016), an organizer & program committee member (June 2016)
- 8th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming (COP 2016), an organizer & program committee member (June 2016)
- 11th Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems Workshop (ICOOOLPS 2016), a program committee member (June 2016)
- 3rd International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming (ARRAY’16), a program committee member (June 14, 2016)
- International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2016), a program committee member (June, 2016)
- ACM SAC track on Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems (SAC OOPS! 2016), a program committee (April 2016)
- International Conference on Modularity (Modularity 2016), a workshop co-chair (March, 2016)
- Constrained and Reactive Objects Workshop (CROW 2016), a program committee (March, 2016)
- Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL 2016), an organizer & a program committee member (March, 2016)
- The 2016 International Workshop on Modularity Across the System Stack (MASS 2016), an organizer & program committee member (March, 2016)
- Workshop on Live Adaptation of Software Systems (LASSY 2016), a program committee member (March, 2016)
- International Workshop on Language Modularity À La Mode (LaMOD’16), a program committee (March, 2016)
- Aspect-Oriented Software Association, a steering committee member (2006-2016)
- Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2015), a program committee member (December 1-4, 2015)
- JSSST Workshop on Foundations of Software Engineering(FOSE 2015), a program committee member (November 26-28, 2015)
- Special session on Intelligent Systems and Software Engineering Advances (ISSEA) at the 21st International Conference on Information and Software Technologies (ICIST), a program committee member (October 15-16, 2015)
- 7th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming (COP 2015), an organizer & program committee member (July, 2015)
- 2nd International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming (ARRAY’15), an organizer (June 13, 2015)
- ACM SAC track on Programming for Separation of Concerns (SAC PSC 2015), a program committee member (April 13-17, 2015)
- Workshop on Live Adaptation of Software Systems (LASSY 2015), a program committee member (March 16 or 17, 2015) (canceled)
- Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL 2015), an organizer & a program committee member (March 16, 2015)
- JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL 2015), a program committee member (March 4-6, 2015)
- International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2015), a program committee member (January, 2015)
- JSSST FOSE2014, a program committee member (December, 2014)
- 9th International Workshop on Advanced Modularization Techniques (AOAsia/Pacific 2014), an organizer (November, 2014)
- 21th International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages (FOOL 2014), a program committee member (October, 2014)
- ECOOP 2014, an external review committee member (July-August, 2014)
- 6th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming (COP 2014), an organizer (July, 2014)
- Modularity 2014, Modularity Visions track PC (April, 2014)
- Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL 2014), an organizer & a program committee member (April, 2014)
- ACM SAC track on Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems (SAC OOPS 2014), a program committee member (March 24-28, 2014)
- ACM SAC track on Programming for Separation of Concerns (SAC PSC 2014), a program committee member (March 24-28, 2014)
- Onward! 2013, a program committee member (October, 2013)
- OOPSLA 2013, a program committee member (October, 2013)
- FOOL 2013, a program committee member (October, 2013)
- 5th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming (COP 2013), an organizer (July 2013)
- International Conference on Software Composition (SC 2013), a program committee member (June 2013)
- IPSJ Journal, a (senior) editorial committee member (June 2006-May 2013)
- MODULARITY: aosd 2013, the general chair (March, 2013)
- Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL 2013), an organizing member (Mach 2013)
- AOAsia/Pacific’13 Workshop, an organizer (March, 2013)
- A SAC track on Programming for Separation of Concerns (SAC PSC 2013), a program committee member (March 18-22, 2013)
- OOPSLA 2012, a program committee member (October, 2012)
- The 7th Workshop on Enhanced Web Service Technologies (WEWEST 2012), a program committee member (September, 2012) (canceled)
- GPCE 2012, a program committee member (September, 2012)
- 4th International workshop on Context-oriented Programming (COP 2012), an organizing committee member (June 2012)
- 9th Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution (RAM-SE’12), a program committee member (June 2012)
- 4th International Workshop on Search-driven development: Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation (SUITE 2012), a program committee member (May 2012)
- MODULARITY: aosd 2012, student event co-chair and program committee member (March 25-30, 2012)
- A SAC track on Object-Oriented Programming languages and systems (SAC OOPS 2012), a program committee member (March 25-29, 2012)
- A SAC track on Programming for Separation of Concerns (SAC PSC 2012), a program committee member (March 25-29, 2012)
- Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL 2012), the program committee chair and an organizing member (Mach 2012)
- The Tenth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing, a program committee member (January 18-20, 2012)
- 18th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2011), a program committee member (December 5-8, 2011)
- Dynamic Languages Symposium 2011 (DLS’11), a prorgram committee memebr (October 24, 2011)
- AOAsia/Pacific’11 Workshop, an organizer (October 25, 2011)
- JSSST 2011 Annual Conference3rd Rakuten R&D Symposium, a program committee member (December 18, 2010)
- 17th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2010), a program committee member (November 30-December 3, 2010)
- JSSST FOSE2010, a program committee member (November 18-20, 2010)
- Dynamic Languages Symposium 2010 (DLS’10), a prorgram committee memebr (October 18, 2010)
- Workshop on Self-sustaining Systems (S3) 2010, an organizer (September 27-28, 2010)
- AOAsia/Pacific’10 Workshop, an organizer (September 25, 2010)
- International workshop on Context-oriented Programming (COP 2010), a program committee member (June 2010)
- 7th ECOOP’2010 Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution (RAM-SE 2010), a program committee member (June 2010)
- A SAC track on Programming for Separation of Concerns (SAC PSC 2010), a program committee member (March 22-26, 2010)
- Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL 2010), a program committee member (Mach 2010)
- 9th Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software (ACP4IS 10), a program committee member (March 16, 2010)
- 16th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2009), a program committee member (December 1-3, 2009)
- JSSST FOSE2009, a program committee member (November 2009)
- 5th Asian Workshop on AOSD (AOAsia V), an organizing commitee member (November, 2009)
- Rakuten R&D Symposium 2009, a program committee member (14 November 2009)
- JSSST 2009 Annual Conference, a program committee member (September 16-18, 2009)
- 6th ECOOP’2009 Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution (RAM-SE 2009), a program committee member (July 2009)
- International workshop on Context-oriented Programming (COP 2009), a program committee member (July 2009)
- JSSST SIG PPL, a steering committee member (October 2005-March 2009) and chair (April 2007-March 2009)
- IPSJ SIG-SE an organizing committee member (2005-March 2009)
- IPSJ SIG-PRO Transactions on Programming, an editorial committee member (April 2005-March 2009)
- Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL 2009), a program committee member (Mach 2009)
- 8th Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software (ACP4IS ’09), a program committee member (March 2009)
- A SAC track on Object-Oriented Programming languages and systems (SAC OOPS 2009), a program committee member (March 8-12, 2009)
- A SAC track on Programming for Separation of Concerns (SAC PSC 2009), a program committee member (March 8-12, 2009)
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD.09), a program committee member (March 2-6, 2009)
- 4th Asian Workshop on AOSD (AOAsia IV), an organizing commitee member (December 3, 2008)
- 15th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2008), a program committee member (December 3-5, 2008)
- JSSST FOSE2008, a program committee member (November 13-15, 2008)
- ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2008), a program committee / posters commitee member (October 19-23, 2008)
- Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages for emerging modularization mechanisms (VMIL 2008), a program committee member (October 2008)
- JSSST 2008 Annual Conference, a program committee member (September 10-12, 2008)
- IPSJ/SIGSE Software Engineering Symposium (SES2008), a program committee member (September 1-3, 2008)
- 3rd International Workshop on Aspects, Dependencies and Interactions (ADI 2008), a program committee member (July 2008)
- Workshop on Self-sustaining Systems (S3) 2008, program committee member (May 2008)
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD.08), program committee member (March-April 2008)
- Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL 2008), program committee member (April 2008)
- 7th Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software (ACP4IS ’08), program committee member (March 2008)
- Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages for emerging modularization mechanisms (VMIL 2008), program committee member (March-April 2008) (canceled)
- A SAC track on Programming for Separation of Concerns (SAC PSC 2008), program committee member (March 2008)
- Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2007), program committee member (December 2007)
- JSSST FOSE2007, program committee member (November 2007)
- JSSST 2007 Annual Conference, program committee member (September 2007)
- IPSJ/SIGSE Software Engineering Symposium (SES2007), program committee member (August 2007)
- 2nd International Workshop on Aspects, Dependencies and Interaction, program committee member (July 2007)
- 3rd Asian Workshop on AOSD (AOAsia III), organizing and program committee member (July 2007)
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD.07), program committee member (March 2007)
- Open and Dynamic Aspect Languages Workshop (ODAL 2007), organizing member (March 2007) (Canceled)
- Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages for emerging modularization mechanisms (VMIL 2007), program committee member (March 2007)
- A SAC track on Programming for Separation of Concerns (SAC PSC 2007), program committee member (March 2007)
- A SAC track on Object-Oriented Programming languages and systems (SAC OOP 2007), program committee member (March 2007)
- JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL2007), program committee member (March 2007)
- Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC06), program committee member (December 2006)
- JSSST FOSE2006, program committee member (November 2006)
- IPSJ/SIGSE Software Engineering Symposium (SES2006), program committee member (October 2006)
- 2nd Asian Workshop on AOSD, organizing committee member (September 2006)
- Net.ObjectDayes 2006, program committee member (September 2006)
- JSSST 2006 Annual Conference, program committee member (September 2006)
- 3rd European Workshop on Aspects in Software (EWAS’06), program committee member (August-September 2006)
- Track on Programming for Separation of Concerns, The 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, program committee member (April 2006)
- Third Dynamic Aspects Workshop (DAW 2006), organizer and program committee member (March 2006)
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD2006), program committee co-chair (March 2006)
- Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society: Special Issue on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, evaluation committee member (early 2006 publication)
- Workshop on New Horizons in Compilers, program committee member (December 2005)
- Asian Workshop on AOSD, organizing and program committee member (December 2005)
- JSSST FOSE2005, program committee member (November 2005)
- Net.ObjectDays 2005, program committee member (September 2005)
- Workshop on New Approaches to Software Construction (WNASC 2005), program committee member (September 2005)
- JSSST 2005 Annual Conference, program committee member (September 2005)
- 2nd European Interactive Workshop on Aspects in Software (EIWAS’05), program committee member (September 2005)
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development, program committee member & tutorial/workshop co-chair (March 2005)
- Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL2005), program committee member (March 2005)
- JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL2005), program committee co-chair (March 2005)
- JSSST FOSE2004, Science Track & program committee member (November 2004)
- ASIAN Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2004), poster chair & program committee member (November 2004)
- International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (WAOSD 2004), program committee (September 2004)
- Workshop on New Approaches to Software Construction (WNASC 2004), program committee (September 2004)
- JSSST 2004 Annual Conference, program committee (September 2004)
- ACM SIGPLAN 2004 Symposium on
Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM’04), program committee (August 2004)
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development, program committee & tutorial/workshop co-chair (March 2004)
- JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL2004), program committee (March 2004)
- IPSJ Journal, editorial committee member (2000-2004)
- IPSJ Object-Oriented Symposium (OO2003), program committee & demonstration co-chair (August 2003)
- JSSST 2003 Annual Conference, program committee (September 2003)
- IPSJ Object-Oriented Symposium (OO2002), program committee (August 2002)
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD2002), program committee (April 2002)
- JSSST Tutorial on High-Performance Java, organizer (in Japanese) (March 2001)
- Reflection 2001, program committee (September 2001)
- OO2001, program committee (in Japanese) (August 2001)
- JSSST 1999 Annual Conference, program committee
- JSSST planning committee (Apr 1999-Sep 2001)
- JSSST 1998 Annual Conference, program committee