Ikra: a Ruby dialect for GPGPU

GPGPU is attractive for its cost-performance, yet not easy to write programs. We propose a programming language implementation Ikra that generates GPGPU programs from Ruby programs. It allows the programmers to develop GPGPU code, including the kernel parts, in Ruby.
Source code
Related Projects
The spin-off projects cover language implementations other than Ruby, and formal verification.
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- Proof of Soundness of Concurrent Separation Logic for GPGPU in Coq
- Sanajeh: a Python DSL for GPGPU
- Keynote Talk on High-Level Programming Abstractions for GPGPU at CTHPC2022
- Seiichi Tejima Doctoral Dissertation Award, Matthias Springer, 2021, Memory-Efficient Object-Oriented Programming on GPUs
- Springer received Seiichi Tejima Doctoral Dissertation Award
- Masuhara’s Keynote Talk on Object Support for GPGPU at APLAS’20
- Paper on Dynamic Mem. Allocation on GPUs at ECOOP 2019
- Doctoral thesis defense by Matthias Springer
- Paper & Poster Presentation at ISMM 2019
- Springer won the First Place at the ACM Student Research Competition at SPLASH 2018
- Paper at ARRAY 2018
- Paper/Poster at WPMVP 2018 and CGO 2018 SRC
- Paper Presentation at ARRAY 2017
- Poster Presentations at PPL 2017
- Paper Presentation at ARRAY 2016
- Paper/Poster Presentations at PPL 2016
- Asakura presented master’s thesis, and Okugawa, Taya, and Watanabe presented bachelor’s theses
- Poster presentation on Ikra at ISP2S2
- Nishiguchi, Murakami and Shao presented Master’s Theses
Older source code
- version 0.2 (ahead-of-time compiler)
- version 0.3 @ RubyGems