Dependent Types and Effects
Dependent types are types that refer to terms such as numbers and strings. Such types enables us to precisely express specifications of programs. However, most dependently typed languages do not allow effectful programs involving exception handling, destructive assignment, and so on.
In this project, we design a dependently typed language with support for a wide range of effects. So far, Cong has given a dependent type system for delimited control operators, which are a tool for manipulating control flow of programs. The idea is to maintain soundness of the type system by restricting types to depend only on non-effectful terms.
As future work, we intend to extend the type system with algebraic effects and handlers, and implement a prototype language based on that type system.
- Konishi Received PPL 2025 Sponsors Choice Award
- Poster Presentations at PPL2025
- Paper on Dependent-Type-Preserving CPS Translation to Appear in IFL 2024 Proceedings
- Hayashi, Yoshio, Inaba, Kumamoto, Matsuyama and Konishi presented Bachelor’s Theses
- PEPM 2024 Paper on Intrinsically-typed Compiler for Effect Handlers
- Talk on CPS Translation for Dependently Typed Languages (@ PEPM 2024)
- PPDP Paper on Expressiveness of Effect Handlers
- Talk on Designing a Language for Learning Continuations (@ Scheme 2023)
- Ikemori, Furudono and Takahashi present Master’s Theses
- Paper on Reflection for Effect Handlers (@ PEPM 2023)
- Paper on Named Effect Handlers (@ OOPSLA 2022)
- Presentations on Effects (at TyDe & HOPE)
- Article on Control Operators
- PPL Summer School Lecture on Computational Effects
- Papers on Algebraic Effects (@ TFP 2022)
- Presentations on Algebraic Effects (@ TFP 2022)
- Talk on Named Effect Handlers (@ HOPE 2021)
- Talk on Bidirectional Effects (@ TyDe 2021)
- Paper & Poster presentation at PPL’21
- Ikemori, Furudono and Takahashi Presents Bachelor’s Theses
- Master’s theses defense by Ogushi, Niimi, Chenxin and Luthfan
- Paper on Typing Control Operators at PEPM ’21