- Papers
Short papers must be formatted according to ACM SIG format and can be submitted via EasyChair as a PDF file of at most 3 pages. They are reviewed by our program committee. We offer two separate submission deadlines and review stages. Papers accepted in the first round will be published in ACM DL and our workshop proceedings and presented at the workshop. Papers accepted in the secound round will be published in only our workshop proceedings and presented at the workshop and will not be published in ACM DL.
- Important dates
- First round (accepted papers will be published in ACM DL)
- Submission: August 1, 2014
- Notification: August 8, 2014
- Camera-ready: August 15, 2014
- Second round (accepted papers will not be published in ACM DL)
- Submission: October 1, 2014
- Notification: October 15, 2014
- Camera-ready: November 1, 2014
- First round (accepted papers will be published in ACM DL)