Masuhara’s Keynote Talk on Object Support for GPGPU at APLAS’20
Masuhara gave a keynote talk entitled “Object Support for GPU Programming: Why and How” at the 18th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2020).
Masuhara gave a keynote talk entitled “Object Support for GPU Programming: Why and How” at the 18th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2020).
Our paper, entitled “Amalgamating Different JIT Compilations in a Meta-tracing JIT Compiler Framework”, authored by Yusuke Izawa and Hidehiko Masuhara, is presented at the 16th Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS), co-located with SPLASH 2020.
Hidehiko Masuhara, Shusuke Takahashi, Yusuke Izawa and Youyou Cong give a talk on “Toward a Multi-Language and Multi-Environment Framework for Live Programming” at the LIVE 2020 workshop co-located with SPLASH’20.
Tetsuo Kamina, Tomoyuki Aotani and Hidehiko Masuhara presented a paper entitled “Managing Persistent Signals using Signal Classes” at 7th Workshop on Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems (REBLS 2020), co-located with SPLASH 2020.
Kazuki Niimi received the 2020 IPSJ Computer Science Research Award for Young Scientists for his presentation on “Extending Lift Intermediate Representation with Dynamic Length Arrays“, presented at
the 127th IPSJ Workshop on Programming.
The award is given to young members who made outstanding presentations at the IPSJ workshops and symposiums on computer science area. This year’s award recipients were 18.
Niimi received the award at the 131th IPSJ Workshop on Programming on October 29th.
Yusuke Izawa is awarded as a researcher of ACT-X “Frontier of mathematics and information science” area, JST’s Strategic Basic Research Programs. The title of his research topic is “汎用性と高性能を両立するハイブリッド型実行時コンパイラ”.
Rohan Ray Sobha, who was a Tokyo Tech Summer Program student two years ago, came back our group. Under the International Graduate Program (A), he started pursuing his Master’s and Doctoral degrees.
Welkom terug!
Chenxin et al. presented his paper on Sanajeh at the 2020 annual conference of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST).
Our group member also presented posters at the conference. (more…)
Two lightening talks have been accepted at the Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop.
A paper entitled “Activation Interfaces for Modular Reasoning in Context-Oriented Programming” authored by Paul Leger, Hidehiko Masuhara and Ismael Figueroa was presented at the 12th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity (COP 2020). This is a proposal to provide a stable interface into the layer activation mechanism.