Kiuchi and Sakai presented Master’s Theses
Kiuchi and Sakai gave presentations of their Master’s theses. They all deserved “the best eye contact presentation awards! 😉
Kiuchi and Sakai gave presentations of their Master’s theses. They all deserved “the best eye contact presentation awards! 😉
Jiwon Kim, an exchange student from KAIST, gave the final presentation on his working during the Campus Asia Program. He worked on formalizing microtonal music theory for verifying musical properties through type theory.
The following presentation was accepted to IPSJ PRO2024-4.
Roger Burtonpatel visited our group and gave a seminar talk titled “An Alternative to Pattern Matching, Inspired by Verse”.
Kasuya won the Audience Award from APLAS 2024 SRC & Posters track for his poster presentation.
👉Link to the news for the presentation
👉Project page
The following presentation was accepted to the Student Research Competition and Posters track at the 22nd Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2024).
An article entitled “Quiz Generation Support Tool for Enbugging Quiz With Using Code Reduction and Syntax-driven Token Generation” by Tsunoda, Masuhara and Cong is accepted by the Computer Software journal. The article is revised from our presentation at PPL 2024.
We welcomed three new members from October 2024.
👉 People
Tokyo Institute of Technology is integrated with Tokyo Medical and Dental University into Institute of Science Tokyo. Our group remains unchanged modulo the name of the institute. (Even the URL of the website remains the same for the time being.)
Kumamoto presented his work on an dialog-based programming learning environment att he 41st JSSST Annual Conference.