Inspired by our enbugging quiz, STORES Corporation presented a Ruby version of en bugging quiz at RubyKaigi 2024 held in Okinawa. It is exciting to know that our enbugging quiz can be useful not only in education but also in more professional context.
We celebrated graduation and welcomed newcomers in March 2024.
Yudai Tanabe has joined our group as an assistant professor. He has been a post-doc researcher at Kyoto University after he finished his Ph.D. in our group in March 2023. Welcome back!
We celebrated graduation of our members. This year, 3 masters and 5 bachelors were awarded their degrees. Three of them left the university while five will continue to work with us to pursuit the next degrees. We wish their bright future no matter where they will be!
Cahyono also received the Tokyo Tech Best Student Award, which awards the best student with excellent academic performance and character among the graduates in the department.
Saito, Tsunoda and Tsuyama received the Master’s degrees and will work as developers in tech companies. Cahyono, Kasuya, Kawazoe, Suda and Taniguchi received the Bachelor’s degrees and will pursuit the Master’s degrees in our group.
Around 20 students from Seiryo High School visited to join our group’s seminar. At the seminar, we discussed on a talk on “algebraic effect handlers and their application to game developments,” which was given by one of our members. We had many questions even after the seminar. We hope that the visit was fruitful to know something about research at universities.