Doctoral thesis defense by Yusuke Izawa

Yusuke Izawa had a public defense of his doctoral dissertation on “Supporting multi-scope and multi-level compilation in a meta-tracing just-in-time compiler.” He realized a new meta-compilation system that enables a meta-tracing JIT compiler to perform compilation in different scopes and multiple compilation levels with taming an interpreter definition.
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences
Defense of a Doctoral Dissertation
Supporting multi-scope and multi-level compilation in a meta-tracing just-in-time compiler
Yusuke Izawa
Thursday, January 23, 2023, 19:00-
W910 Building West 8, Ookayama Campus
Thesis Committee
Hidehiko Masuhara, Chair
Yasuhiko Minamide,
Ken Wakita,
Toshio Endo,
Takuo Watanabe,
Sigeru Chiba