Yige Wen, an exchange student from University Melbourne, gave the final presentation on his working during the Tokyo Tech Winter Program. He worked on “Designing a Domain Specific Language and its Transformer for Back-end Development of Information Management Systems” in our group.
Three members presented their Master’s theses.
- Akira Kani, 共有メモリ最適化のためのGPGPUプログラム合成器 (PDF)
- Atsuyuki Natsume, 文脈指向プログラムの検証法の研究 (PDF)
- Akio Oka, Supporting Recursive Function(s) in Live Data Structure Programming (PDF)
(official announcement)
Our paper “A Shell-like Model for General Purpose Programming” (authored by Jeanine Adkisson, Johannes Westlund, and Hidehiko Masuhara) was presented at the 122nd IPSJ PRO workshop in Fukuyama, Japan.
Yige Wen, a Tokyo Tech Winter Program student from University of Melbourne, joined our group. Yige will work with us for the next couple of months.
A paper entitled “Stochastic Energy Optimization for Mobile GPS Applications”, authored by Anthony Canino, David Liu and Hidehiko Masuhara, is accepted by ESEC/FSE 2018.
The poster “SoaAlloc: Accelerating Single-Method Multiple-Objects Applications on GPUs”, authored by Matthias Springer, was accepted at the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) 2018.
Matthias Springer received the first place in the Graduate category of the SRC. (testimonials at ACM)
Our paper “Live, Synchronized, and Mental Map Preserving Visualization for Data Structure Programming” (authored by Oka, Masuhara, and Aotani) is accepted by Onward! 2018.
Johannes Westlund, an exchange student from KTH Royal Institute of Techonolgy, joined our group. Johannes will work with us until February 2019.
A talk titled “Narratives for Multi-party Mechanisms and Concerns”, authored by Robert Hirschfeld, Tobias Durschmid, Patrick Rein, Marcel Taeumel, Hidehiko Masuhara, is presented at the 35th JSSST annual conference.
Rohan Ray Sobha finished his Tokyo Tech Summer Program with a final poster presentation. He will go back his home university and continue his study there. We hope we can meet each other soon!
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