APLAS 2023 Paper on Compiling a Version Programming Language

A paper entitled “Compilation Semantics for a Programming Language with Versions”, authored by Tanabe, Luthfan, Aotani and Masuhara is accepted by the 21st Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2023), which is held in Taipei, Taiwan on November 2023. The paper proposes a method of compiling the VL version programming language, which was proposed in our previous work.

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3 Talks on formalization at TPP 2023

Three students present their work at The 19th Theorem Proving and Provers meeting.

  • Tsuyama, “Intrinsically typed compiler with optimization for first class continuation”
  • Kawazoe, “Formalizing λ□ in Lean”
  • Saito, “Formalization of probabilistic programming language based on intrinsically typing using Coq”

PPDP Paper on Expressiveness of Effect Handlers

A paper entitled “Typed Equivalence of Labeled Effect Handlers and Labeled Delimited Control Operators”, authored by Kazuki Ikemori, Youyou Cong and Hidehiko Masuhara, is accepted by the 25th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2023). The paper shows equivalence of expressiveness between effect handlers and delimited control operators in a setting where handlers and delimited continuations are distinguished by labels. The paper will be/was presented at the symposium held as a part of the SPLASH 2023 conference at Cascais, Portugal in October 2023.

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