Programming with Version (PWV) is a programming paradigm that allows programmers to safely utilize multiple versions of the same package within a single program, facilitating flexible version updates of dependent packages. Existing PWV languages ensure consistent version usage so as not to break software behaviors by leveraging the type system of the base language. However, dynamically typed languages need a mechanism to support multiple versions with an efficient method of ensuring consistent version usage without a type system. To introduce PWV features into dynamically typed languages, we propose a dynamic version checking (DVC) mechanism. It records version information in a value, propagates it during evaluation, and checks inconsistency using version information recorded in values. When an inconsistency is detected, the mechanism suggests how to modify the program to resolve potential semantic errors from the inconsistency. We develop Vython, a Python-based PWV language with DVC, and implement its compiler. The compiler translates a Vython program into a Python program with bitwise operations. Our performance measurement shows the DVC mechanism’s overhead is scalable and acceptable for small programs but requires further optimization for real-world use. Additionally, we conduct a case study and discuss future directions to facilitate smoother updates in practical development.
Dynamic Version Checking for Gradual Updating (Satsuki Kasuya, Yudai Tanabe and Hidehiko Masuhara), Presented at IPSJ SIG-PRO 152th Workshop on Programming, 2024-4-(8), 2025.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Satsuki Kasuya and Yudai Tanabe and Hidehiko Masuhara},
year = 2025,
month = jan,
title = {Dynamic Version Checking for Gradual Updating},
location = {Akita, Japan},
abstract = {Programming with Version (PWV) is a programming paradigm that allows programmers to safely utilize multiple versions of the same package within a single program, facilitating flexible version updates of dependent packages. Existing PWV languages ensure consistent version usage so as not to break software behaviors by leveraging the type system of the base language. However, dynamically typed languages need a mechanism to support multiple versions with an efficient method of ensuring consistent version usage without a type system. To introduce PWV features into dynamically typed languages, we propose a dynamic version checking (DVC) mechanism. It records version information in a value, propagates it during evaluation, and checks inconsistency using version information recorded in values. When an inconsistency is detected, the mechanism suggests how to modify the program to resolve potential semantic errors from the inconsistency. We develop Vython, a Python-based PWV language with DVC, and implement its compiler. The compiler translates a Vython program into a Python program with bitwise operations. Our performance measurement shows the DVC mechanism’s overhead is scalable and acceptable for small programs but requires further optimization for real-world use. Additionally, we conduct a case study and discuss future directions to facilitate smoother updates in practical development.},
date = {2025-1-16},
pdf = {pro2024-4-8.pdf},
url = {https://sigpro.ipsj.or.jp/pro2024-4/},
howpublished = {Presented at IPSJ SIG-PRO 152th Workshop on Programming, 2024-4-(8)}