Interactive Visual Debugger with a Customizable View (bibtex)
by Rifqi Adlan Apriyadi, Hidehiko Masuhara and Youyou Cong
Visual debuggers provide more concrete representations of program behavior than what might normally still be abstract. For object-oriented languages, their object-centric components, such as objects and their relationships, are the information their visual debuggers aim to concretize. However, none of such debuggers provide the capability to customize their graphical view. Customization ought to facilitate better comprehensibility of the program behavior, which consequently aids in bug discovery, by allowing for a more focused program state view. This can be achieved by customizing the representation of objects of a class in accordance with the theoretical concept, or by abstracting away unnecessary information. This research proposes a visual debugger for Java with customization features for its graphical view that allows users to customize the visual representation of the program state through customization specifications. To provide flexible customizability, the proposed system would provide customization elements that function as building blocks for users to use in their specifications.
Interactive Visual Debugger with a Customizable View (Rifqi Adlan Apriyadi, Hidehiko Masuhara and Youyou Cong), In Proceedings of the 39th JSSST Annual Conference (Shimpei Hayashi, ed.), 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
  organization = {{J}apan Society for Software Science and Technology
  month = aug,
  url = {},
  date = {2022-08-31},
  location = {Nanzan University / Online},
  editor = {Shimpei Hayashi},
  year = 2022,
  howpublished = {The 39th JSSST Annual Conference},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 39th JSSST Annual Conference},
  author = {{Rifqi Adlan} Apriyadi and Hidehiko Masuhara and Youyou Cong},
  title = {Interactive Visual Debugger with a Customizable View},
  pdf = {jssst2022-45.pdf},
  abstract = {Visual debuggers provide more concrete representations of program behavior than what might normally still be abstract. For object-oriented languages, their object-centric components, such as objects and their relationships, are the information their visual debuggers aim to concretize. However, none of such debuggers provide the capability to customize their graphical view. Customization ought to facilitate better comprehensibility of the program behavior, which consequently aids in bug discovery, by allowing for a more focused program state view. This can be achieved by customizing the representation of objects of a class in accordance with the theoretical concept, or by abstracting away unnecessary information. This research proposes a visual debugger for Java with customization features for its graphical view that allows users to customize the visual representation of the program state through customization specifications. To provide flexible customizability, the proposed system would provide customization elements that function as building blocks for users to use in their specifications.}
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