The Programming Research Group is working on programming languages and software development environments. Our goal is to make programming more fun by advancing theory, design and implementation of programming languages and environments.
Theory and design of programming languages: We are investigating for example type systems, control operators, advanced module mechanisms, and program synthesis.
Implementation techniques for high-level programming languages: We are developing object-oriented support for high-level GPGPU programming languages, and runtime compiler frameworks.
Improving software development environment by applying program analysis and machine-learning techniques: We are developing live programming environments for the real programmers, an environment for teaching, code completion mechanisms and debuggers.
For more and detailed research topics, please look our projects page. We welcome interested students and researchers to join us.
Jiwon Kim, an exchange student from KAIST, gave the final presentation on his working during the Campus Asia Program. He worked on formalizing microtonal music theory for verifying musical properties through type theory.