Updating the version of upstream packages can break software behavior due to incompatibilities. To cope with this problem, inspired by the concept of programming with versions, we propose Vython, a Python subset with dynamic version checking. Vython enables programmers to safely and gradually update by allowing the simultaneous use of multiple versions and reporting incompatible versions that are used together within the same data flow. We discuss the design and naive implementation of Vython, evaluate its runtime performance, and explore future directions to facilitate smoother updates in practical development.
Vython: a Language with Dynamic Version Checking for Gradual Updating (Satsuki Kasuya), Student Research Competition and Posters at the 22nd Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2024), 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Satsuki Kasuya},
title = {Vython: a Language with Dynamic Version Checking for Gradual Updating},
abstract = {Updating the version of upstream packages can break software behavior due to incompatibilities. To cope with this problem, inspired by the concept of programming with versions, we propose Vython, a Python subset with dynamic version checking. Vython enables programmers to safely and gradually update by allowing the simultaneous use of multiple versions and reporting incompatible versions that are used together within the same data flow. We discuss the design and naive implementation of Vython, evaluate its runtime performance, and explore future directions to facilitate smoother updates in practical development.},
year = 2024,
month = oct,
location = {Kyoto, Japan},
pdf = {aplas2024SRCabstract.pdf},
slides = {aplas2024SRCposter.pdf},
url = {https://conf.researchr.org/track/aplas-2024/src-and-posters/},
howpublished = {Student Research Competition and Posters at the 22nd Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2024)}