About masuhara

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Cong Received Best Poster Award from PPL 2022

Youyou Cong received the best poster award for her presentation “Toward Type-basde Generation of Music” at PPL 2022. She won the awards two years in a row!

Two New Members

We welcome the two new members to the group in this fall.

Though both are currently waiting for a permission to land in Japan, they already have started their study by using video meetings. We wish that they will be able to land in Japan and accelerate their study soon.

ECOOP Paper on SignalJ, a Persistent Reactive Programming Language

A paper entitled “Signal Classes: A Mechanism for Building Synchronous and Persistent Signal Networks“, authored by Tetsuo Kamina, Tomoyuki Aotani, Hidehiko Masuhara, is presented at European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2021).

Talk on Nested Object Support for GPGPU at ARRAY 2021(@PLDI)

Chenxin Jizhe and Hidehiko Masuhara give a talk on “Nested Object Support in a Structure-of-Arrays Dynamic Objector Allocator” at the ARRAY 2021 workshop, co-located with PLDI 2021.

Five New Members

We welcome the five new members to the group in this spring.

In the announcement of new members a year ago, there was a sentence “as we need to stay home due to COVID-19, we are closely communicating each other online, maybe more than ever.”  One year passed since then.  We actually communicated more than ever, and are confident to work well with the new members even if it will take a time to get normal.

Graduation March 2021

We celebrated graduation of our members. The same as the last year, the university’s ceremony was held online due to COVID-19.

Jizhe Chenxin, Lubis Luthfan, Kazuki Niimi and Tomoki Ogushi received the Master’s degrees. Luthfan will pursuit the PhD degree in our group.  Chenxin, Niimi and Ogushi will start working for software companies in Japan. Naoya Furudono, Kazuki Ikemori and Shusuke Takahashi received their Bachelor’s degrees, and will pursuit the Master’s degree in our group.

We wish for their bright future, and hope we can see each other soon!

JSSST PPL 2021 Best Poster Award, Youyou Cong, 2021, A Formalization of Counterpoint in Agda

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Seiichi Tejima Doctoral Dissertation Award, Matthias Springer, 2021, Memory-Efficient Object-Oriented Programming on GPUs


Ikemori, Furudono and Takahashi Presents Bachelor’s Theses

Our members present their bachelor’s theses.  (Bachelor thesis presentation)

  • Kazuki Ikemori, 代数的エフェクトを持つ計算体系F^effへのエフェクト強制の導入と健全性の証明 (PDF)
  • Naoya Furudono, 代数的エフェクトを備えた関数型言語 Koka に対する、エフェクト割り当て最適化 (PDF)
  • Shusuke Takahashi, データ構造ライブプログラミング環境の汎言語的な構築手法 (PDF)

Master’s theses defense by Ogushi, Niimi, Chenxin and Luthfan

Our members presented their master’s theses.

  • Tomoki Ogushi, ライブデータ構造プログラミングの大規模データ利用のための改善 (PDF)
  • Kazuki Niimi, Extending Effekt with Bidirectional Effects (PDF)
  • Jizhe Chenxin, Nested Object Support in an Object-Oriented Domain-Specific Language for GPGPU (PDF)
  • Lubis Luthfan Anshar, BatakJava: an Object-Oriented Programming Language with Versions (PDF)

(official announcement)

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